Time as Place
52 unedited photographic images. 700 plaster cast shells, 4 pendulums
SCAM, Contemporary Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, 2001
In Time as Place I walked the north curve of Dublin Bay dividing the bay into 52 images, in order to capture a personal architectural and landscape portrait. These are not images of remote, unspoiled beauty; Dublin coastline is neither remote nor especially spectacular. But by condensing and fragmenting both the architecture and the seascapes/landscape, I obtained an intimate peculiarity of the whole, as these frag- ments relate to my experience of place. In Time as Place, 52 images, unedited. 700 shells (casting of an original shell found at the time of the walk, plus 4 pendulums marking time, all are connected and are a way of taking apart and finding new functions and new meaning in the images and the objects. AOC
Time as Place, essay by Niamh O’Laoghaire, Ph.D Curator, SCAM Contemporary Art Gallery