A series of cast latex works started in 1999, after a visit to
The Primate Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toledo, Spain,
that started me on a quest: what do we see as tourists, and what do we want to see
2000 Vestments, Meli-Melo, Artist Alliance, Hong Kong.
2002 The Tree Museum Collective: An Alternate Site: Gallery at Harbourfront Centre,
York Quay, Toronto, Ontario
2004 surface/friction, RedHead Collective, Toronto 2006 Shape Shifters, RedHead Gallery Toronto
2007 Emerging Grounds, VAC of Clarington, Ont
2007 Convergence, Tom Thompson Memorial Art Gallery, Owen Sound, Ontario
2011 Materiality, Art Gallery, Bloomfield Centre, St Francis XavierUniversity, Antigonish, Nova Scotia
“Anne O’Callaghan brings the wisdom of a bare spirit and the
terror of the grand inquisitor into her finely honed installation.
One thinks of the poet Octavio Paz transforming the words of
Robert Motherwell,
“ The skin of the world, the sound of the world”
into: “ Lines,
vehemence and geometry, high-tension wires:
the scalpel line that divides the world like a loaf of bread”
As she lifts back cast skins of rock and invisible vestments
from a latex painted wall such gestures reveal a rift
or tragic liminal space.”
Excerpt.. Essay, emerging grounds, 2007
Maralynn Cherry, curator.writer